£100 To Spend With Every Shoei X-Spirit II Graphic

It could be the best deal out there – buy a Shoei X-Spirit II in a graphic design and get £100 to spend online at www.twowheel.co.uk or in store.


Don’t get fixed up with another pair of gloves you really don’t need (just because they’re free with the helmet), or settle for just 10% off your new Shoei lid. Let us do you the deal of the century – a no-strings-attached £100 credit to spend on any clothing or accessories in our store.


Your credit will be valid for 12 months, which will give you time to find something you need (or time to dream up a sneaky impulse buy, minus the guilt of the credit card statement later in the month!).


In case you haven’t heard already, the Shoei X-Spirit II is THE helmet to wear. It offers the ultimate in protection, comfort, ventilation and design. The graphic designs alone are second-to-none, and in the flesh, the intricate attention to detail applied by hand to each helmet is quite amazing!


Couple this with the superb safety features, including the ability to remove the cheekpads whilst the helmet is still being worn (particularly handy for the paramedics who have to take the lid off in an accident) and it soon becomes clear that the Shoei X-Spirit II helmet is streets ahead of the competition.


View the Shoei X-Spirit II online or contact us now on 01623 627600


Found a better deal? Get in touch!