It has now been 3 weeks since the new modular motorcycle practical test came into force.
After a bumpy first day, things are now starting to look up.
Judith Scott, the Chief Instructor of our resident training school, Two Wheel Training had this to say:
“Here at Two Wheel Training, we are finding the new practical test to be a success. We have had plenty of first time passes in both modules one and two since the test came into play.
We have access to three MPTC (Multi Purpose Test Centres) in Nottingham, Lincoln and Rotherham.
Yes, it is further to travel to take your test – which you would initially think is a big inconvenience – but actually we are finding the pupils really enjoy the longer ride to the centres and that they actually benefit from the experience. We are looking forward to the summer!Happy riding from the instructors at Two Wheel Training,
Judith, Daren, Scott and Brian”.
So it looks like there is no time like to present to get your bike test done!