Birds Eye View of Two Wheel Centre!

Pete Scott realised his love for bikes at just 9 years old and after firstly becoming an apprentice at the age of 16, after a short break at trying his hand at other trades, he returned back to the world of motorcycles at 19 and has never looked back.


Firstly working for a company called Richardsons, he worked his way up to Workshop Managaer and Chief Technician, his passion for bikes obvious to all he encountered. Jim Richardson unfortunately then decided to retire and everyone, including Pete, were made redundant. Determined to make a living out of his love, Pete began working from a shed in the bottom of his garden. Thankfully his knowledge and skill with bikes had spread around the local motorcycle community and Pete did not struggle for business. Though Two Wheels had just been a meer twinkle in Pete Scotts eye, when an ex employee from Richardsons showed the same interest as Pete, they decided that maybe it was time for the dream to become a reality.


Though Steve Scott (Petes brother) came to work for them too, times were hard and the business fell through. Stubborn not to give up however, Pete and Steve decided to begin again from scratch – and what a decision that was. With years of hard graft from the guys, friends and family the buisness grew and grew, striving prosperously. The customer base, bike stock and property growing steadily, we are extremely proud to show our customers this picture of what we have become today.


Everyone at Two Wheels has a passion for not just bikes, but for keeping our customers happy – the people that have put us here. But don’t be fooled, we are never once slowing down. Working everyday to improve upon improvements, that twinkle in Pete Scotts eye is a planet expanding year by year, rivalling our competitors to be the very best we can be.