Hit-Air YS Vest – Fluorescent Reflective Motorcycle Air Bag Jacket

Hit Air YS Vest Motorcycle Airbag JAcketHit Ait YS Vest now available.

The Hit Air range of motorcycle air bag jackets has been a massive success for 2009. Still a relatively new concept though, the popularity of air bag wear is still only gathering momentum in the motorcycling world.

The new Hit Air YS Vest is set to be a massive favourite though. Combining all the best aspects of safety, this vest seems to have it all…

Featuring the regular air bag system to protect the vital organs and a back armour insert, the YS Vest combines fluorescent colouring with reflective banding. Is there a safer jacket to wear on your bike?

The Hit Air YS Vest is now available for purchase at £299.99 with FREE UK DELIVERY

Order your Hit Air YS Vest here


2 thoughts on “Hit-Air YS Vest – Fluorescent Reflective Motorcycle Air Bag Jacket

  1. Hello Jayne,

    Thank you for your enquiry. I have emailed you the details of the Hit Air YS Vest.

    Kind regards,

    Abi Scott
    Two Wheel Centre (Mansfield) Ltd

  2. dear sirs , pls could you let me have more details and a cost for this item pls
    i would like to get one for my husband for Xmas

    my husband wears a bike jacket at the moment which is a size 56(hein gerinke) …. hope that makes sense to you 🙂

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