The guys and girls at Two Wheels have decided its our turn to give something back to our highly valued customers. And what can be better than discounts on one of our top clothing brands, Weise. With discounts up to 50% on certain pieces of attire, this is one summer sale you will NOT want to miss out on!
Over the past two decades Weise Motorcycle Clothing has built an enviable reputation with their wide range of customers. Consumers who expect the very best in terms of quality, protection and style.
We are proud retailers of the Weise range, and have noticed the growing demand for these products and the appraisal that follows. The apparel we are offering to our buyers range from leathers, textiles, jackets, trousers, gloves – men AND ladies. INCLUDING the popular Weise Nomad Jacket, Weise Symphony Ladies Jacket and the Weise Tornado Plus Gloves!
The amazing reduced rate is only while stocks last so move fast. Whether you’re new to the experience of Weise, or a tried and tested consumer of the brand, at prices like these you’re sure not to be disappointed!