Is The Desert Set To Become Official Off Road Venue?

Anyone local to Two Wheel Centre (Mansfield) Ltd will have heard of The Desert – an unofficial hotspot for illegal offroad motorcyclists. The back-and-forth battle of the wills between moto-x riders and their police pursuers has long been a touchy topic, but things may just be looking up.

As part of the Desert Project Initiative, Harworth Estates (the propery sector of UK Coal) are seeking planning permission for the redevelopment of the former Rufford Colliery site. This re-development will include not only a new business park, but also an off-road area and track for off-road bikers to ride legally.

According to Harworth Estates,

The vision is to provide a well run and managed motorcycle facility that will cater for all off-road motorcycle users, and to provide a new business park that will aid regeneration in the area and provide new jobs.

Here at TWC, we think it’s a brilliant idea. Our trainee workshop valeter, Danny Morse says,

I like the idea. People are going to continue riding their bikes anyway, but if they have somewhere made for the job then they’ll go there…There should be a smaller area for youngsters who are learning, and then somewhere for the bigger bikes, so that it stays safe…I think if the idea goes ahead, it’ll be a success.

However, the idea is not yet set in stone.

If you want to show your support of the proposal, there is a public exhibition being held with an open invitation to all members of the community. It is to be held at Rainworth Miners Welfare Club on 30th July 2009 between 11am and 8pm.

If you are unable to make the exhibition, please send your comments to