Meet Our New Member of the Web Team..

So, I’m not exactly new it has to be said. I was employed mid-July (you must have spotted the blogs getting better from then on surely?) to help with internet problems and keep everything up-to-date, and am now pleased to tell you guys my contract has been extended – my job title too (don’t ask me to tell you what it is though, there’s way too many words).


Whenever you call Two Wheels to ask about products, order products or any other enquiries, it is normally the bubbly personality who is Aimee that answers the phone to you all. However we have now had a massive switch around in the office and Aimee is now needed downstairs, her obvious selling talents and customer contact perfect for selling bikes. So guess who now has her job? You’re right. Me. Little Jess as I’m called. Or J2OL by the shop guys..don’t ask.


My first job in customer service, quite daunting I’ve got say; but I’m ready for the challenge of keeping you all happy. I look forward to getting to know the regulars and helping however I can…but go easy on me please!


So now as I crack on with learning a whole new job, I endeavour to keep my blogs to you all coming daily no problemo. Only person who may have a problem now is Abi. I mean two Jess’ in the office has got to be confusing. Guess the name of little Jess will stick with me for a while longer yet..or J2OL.