Motorcycle Data Tagging: What You Need To Know

Motorcycle data tagging: The Datatag MASTER system

A staggering average of 24,000 motorcycles are stolen each year in the UK. In our previous theft prevention blog, we looked at simple techniques and useful equipment to help you prevent your bike from being stolen. Another effective security measure you can take is motorcycle security tagging. The Datatag MASTER (Motorcycle and Scooter Tagged Equipment Register) system has been specially developed in partnership with manufacturers, dealerships and the police to protect, identify and trace your bike, should your pride and joy ever get stolen. The system is Thatcham and Secured By Design approved and is the first motorcycle data tagging system of its kind to be approved by the UK Police. We’re here to answer some questions about how you can take advantage of the Datatag MASTER system for your bike.

MASTER motorcycle data tagging system logo

What is the Datatag MASTER system?

The system uses three main components to create a unique ID for your bike. It can be fitted to all parts of the bike so that if it’s taken apart by a professional thief, it can be identified through its individual parts before it gets sold on as a ‘brand new’ bike.

Datadots are microscopic transparent plastic discs that are printed with a unique serial number along with Datatag’s contact details. They can be applied in huge quantities, in all the nooks and crannies of your bike.

UV stealth etching involves permanently etching an alphanumeric code into the panels and fairings of your bike. It can be the easiest way of identifying a stolen bike and getting it returned to you as soon as possible. The UV stealth etching isn’t visible under normal light, so don’t worry- it won’t affect the appearance of your bike in any way.

Glasstag transponder motorcycle data tagging system

The Glasstag Transponder is a tiny ID ‘beacon’ which is no bigger than a grain of rice. It can be applied anywhere you can think of on a motorcycle. It contains an indestructible chip which can only be read by the police or a dealership with special scanners.

Can motorcycle data tagging stop thieves?

The MASTER security system is completed by tamper-proof warning labels which immediately let thieves know that your bike is protected, and that any part of the bike could be traced once they try to re-use them. Stealing your data-tagged bike carries a high risk of being caught. Why would anyone take that chance?

The other advantage of motorcycle data tagging is that the Datadots and Glasstag transponders are so tiny. This makes them so difficult to find and remove that thieves either won’t bother, or won’t succeed. It would take a thief with superpowers to find and remove every single dot! Arrests are much more likely with the police able to scan all parts of stolen machines. This could mean that the biggest deterrent to thieves will be word of mouth, as the Datatag MASTER system becomes infamous.

What happens when a tagged bike is stolen?

When scanned under UV light, the code contained in the stealth etching will bring up a record in the national Datatag database which includes the year, make and model, colour, and owner of the bike. This means that any parts can be traced back to you- and any fraud or theft detected quickly. The police will also be able to detect and read the Glasstag transponders, which no thief will be able to destroy. It’s very likely that on any parts of your bike that are found, there will also be Datadots clinging on. This triple-featured security system really does cover all bases: it can get your stolen bike back and catch whoever was stupid enough to take it.

How can I get the Datatag MASTER system?

If you’re looking for a new ride, The MASTER system is endorsed by six major manufacturers: BMW, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Triumph and Yamaha. Look for new models with motorcycle data tagging pre-installed. Suzuki in particular offers this feature for free.

two wheel centre workshop If you are looking to install the Datatag MASTER system on your existing bike, look no further than us here at Two Wheel Centre! Our expert workshop team have many years experience in installing motorcycle data tagging systems. Getting the system installed will usually take less than two hours, so you can make your bike secure in no time at all.

Give us a call or come in to our showroom and ask one of our friendly staff for more information.

Eleanor Wilde

Eleanor loves to write about bikes, gear and MotoGP for the Two Wheel website. In her spare time, she plays in a bluegrass band and hikes up the Peaks, or any decent hill she can find. She is a huge supporter of the Air Ambulance and even has a helicopter tattoo on her shoulder to celebrate their work - a cause close to the hearts of bikers everywhere, especially here at Two Wheel Centre.