NCP Incorrectly Charges For Motorcycle Parking

Any road user will more than likely have used a NCP car park before. What any motorcycle rider needs to know is that this should be free.

Motorcycle News has recently uncovered a scandal – intentional or not – where NCP Car Parks have been charging motorcyclists to park – even though it is written in law that designated bike parking areas are free.

This has understandably sparked outcry among riders and motorcycle groups alike. The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) have expressed their utter dismay at the NCP seemingly ‘pocketing’ money which they should never have received.

And the Pay and Display signs in the NCP car parks are similarly misleading.

They state ‘Motorcycles must pay normal tariffs’, but then refers the reader to see a well hidden section of a local bylaw which then states parking for motorcycles is free in designated areas. This information, however, is not readily available.

A really messy mistake, or just another way to plunder the public?