Renntec Moovamoto Portable Mobile Paddock Stand

Well, somebody and Renntec has had a bright idea…

Renntec Moovamoto Moving Paddock StandThe new Renntec Moovamoto Mobile Paddock Stand is unique, the only one of its kind.

Once the motorcycle is mounted on the Moovamoto, the bike can be wheeled forwards, backwards and sideways – whilst still in the lifted position.

Anyone who has used a paddock stand knows what a niggling pain in the neck it is to take the bike off the stand, wheel it around and lift it again. Well, with the Moovamoto, there is no need. Just wheel away wherever you wish!

A truly bright idea which we think will take off in 2010. The Renntec Moovamoto – coming to a garage near you!

The Moovamoto retails at £99.50 with FREE UK DELIVERY.

It is available now.

Order yours now.