RoadLoK – Why Your Bike Can’t Be Without One

Please note:

Currently, we cannot import any Roadlok systems from Roadlok USA. However, we do have some Roadlok systems in stock which are available to purchase. Please contact us regarding availability on our stock Roadlok systems. Alternatively, visit our Two Wheel Centre website to see other security systems available for purchase.


RoadLoK may be a new product to the UK, but it is tried, tested and highly rated in America.


RoadLoK Security Lock

Nevertheless, as with all new and unknown quanitities, there is always a buzz surrounding exactly how good (or not-so-good) something is.


We’ve heard every question under the sun about RoadLoK now, and we still love this simply secure solution to opportunist bike theft.


Here, we look to dispell some of the myths about RoadLoK and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this new and innovative security product.


First of all, the dreaded ‘unsprung weight’ question:


  • Why in the world would I want to add more unsprung weight on to my bike?!


There’s three parts to this answer.


First of all, a RoadLoK unit is made of lightweight billet aluminium and weighs in at just 363g, so it’s not actually that heavy, regardless. Then account for the fact that 363g of unsprung weight is the equivalent of approximately the sprung weight of 4L of fuel in your tank, and you’ll realise that the weight of the RoadLoK is hardly a factor at all.


Secondly, the placement of the RoadLoK is literally only an inch or two off the centre of the bike, so it’s not like there is a huge pendulum of weight trying to drag your bike off centre.


Thirdly, and quite significantly, this product has been adopted by KTM and Aprilia as a genuine accessory upgrade. If these boys think it’s good enough to have as an additional unsprung piece of kit on their pride and joy, then it goes a long way to say that you can be confident that your bike’s handling will not be affected by this little addition.


  • Well, can’t a thief just undo my caliper bolts and do away with my bike anyway?


Most definitely not!


Let’s just agree on one thing before we continue though. Bike theft is rife in the UK, and although crims’ can club together and lift bikes into vans or put planks under your pride and joy and carry it away, the truth of the matter is that 72% of all bike theft is committed by that lone wanderer, thinking his chances look good and that he should ‘have a go’. This thief doesn’t carry around tools – especially an allen key – so already, the chances of such pre-meditation are unlikely.


Still, let’s say theorectically someone does undo your caliper bolts in an effort to make off with your bike….The RoadLoK is still a sealed unit, meaning that when the pin locates through the brake disc hole, it finds the closed side of the RoadLoK on the other side too. There is no access to the pin from the other side of the unit, and no chance of loosening the vice-like grip which the RoadLoK has on your brake disc, even without the caliper bolts out.


So, to sum up: Yes, someone can undo the caliper bolts, though it’s unlikely. Still, even if this happens, the RoadLoK is securely locked into place and acts to prevent your bike from being rolled away anyway.


  • Well, in that case, why shouldn’t I just use a standard disc lock? Especially when the RoadLoK costs £200….


Good question. There’s also a few elements to this answer:


First of all, a standard disc lock allows a degree of movement, meaning that the opportunist thief can still have a go at stealing your bike and actually just leave you with a big repair bill. With a RoadLoK, there’s no movement. Consequently, there’s no damage and the thief leaves empty handed.


Secondly, one day YOU are inevitably going to forget to remove your standard disc lock. You engage first gear, move off at a fair pace and ‘CRACK’ – there goes your mudguard, your caliper and/or your disc. The result? A potential £200+ repair bill immediately, and that’s if you manage to keep the bike upright. With a RoadLoK fitted, this won’t happen. Your bike will simply stall if you try to ride off, without an inch of movement.


Thirdly, RoadLoKs are Thatcham approved, meaning that (depending on your insurers) you’ll get an insurance policy discount.


So in this instance, it’s very easy to justify why a RoadLoK is an essential piece of gear, and why you should definitely invest in a RoadLoK rather than pay a bitter repair bill for your forgetfulness.


We hope this short article has dispelled some of the myths behind RoadLoK.

If you have any further questions, please post a comment below or contact us. We will be happy to update our article with your opinions and questions.



2 thoughts on “RoadLoK – Why Your Bike Can’t Be Without One

    1. Hi Keith,

      Apologies for the late response to your question.
      We have one of these kits in red if this is something that you would like to consider?
      Please call us on 01623 627600 to discuss pricing and delivery if you wish to continue.

      Many thanks and best wishes,


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