Buy Any Pair of Sidi Boots and Receive a Gift Voucher

Sidi are a fantastic brand of motorcycle boots and a perfect christmas present for others or a nice treat for yourself.


We have a great offer on at the moment and that is that with ANY pair of Sidi Boots which you decide to buy you will receive a gift voucher ranging from £20 to a whopping £45 for you to spend on ANYTHING in our store! Now that is a perfect christmas treat.


In a variety of styles and colours designed for motocross and tourer riders, the options are endless. But all still having the advanced technology wieldied into every boot. Not once have I heard a customer complain about any factor where these boots are involved, Sidi providing 100% customer satisfaction time and time again.


Never one to disappoint, Sidi boots are fashionable, enjoyable to wear and ultimately the perfect protection for your feet and shins. Raning from £309.95 to £129.95 there is something for everyone.


I would advise you to get your order in fast however for guaranteed delivery by christmas. The popularity of Sidi Boots forever growing we would hate for any of our customers to miss out. Guarantee your christmas will be a very merry one indeed!