Gerbing Heated Clothing – NEW for Winter 2011!

When winter time rolls around many motorcycle brands jump on the band wagon (so to speak) and begin to produce heated gloves, jackets and many more. We at Two Wheels have done our research into all of the products that appear on the shelves as soon as winter is just in sight, and still none ever seems to challenge the No.1 posistion Gerbing dominate for heated motorycle clothing.


Manufacturing gloves, trouser liners, jacket liners and even insoles, it is the ONLY brand around completely dedicated to heated clothing – enabling them to really do their research into what the customers most desire when the weather turns on us. The technology they use is next to none, taking into consideration things such as limited battery power and using cords instead, which attach to the bike to create the power.


This premium brand produces premium clothes with some new Gerbing T1 Heated Gloves being eagerly anticipated! At affordable prices, the features are practical and have obviously giving a great amount of consideration into the practicality of the clothing and the needs of the rider. The comfort not being forgotten, the clothes are enjoyable to wear too.


There really is no other brand of clothing to wear this winter but Gerbings. GUARANTEED to keep you more than satisfied whilst riding around in the winter weather.