NEW RELEASE: Hit Air MC3 Air Vest


The new Hit Air MC3 Vest has now arrived in the UK, and there are some fantastic features.


Don’t ride unprotected – order your Hit Air MC3 Vest now!


The MC3 vest builds on the success and popularity of the previous Hit Air JV Vest. However, there are a few key features which enable the MC3 vest to be lighter, comfier, more protective and more user-friendly.


Hit Air MC3 Airbag VestFirstly, the outer shell of the MC3 vest is made from a lightweight mesh, which offers incredible breathability. This ensures that the rider is not affected by the extra protective layer which they are now wearing. In essence, you don’t know you’re wearing the MC3 until it does it’s job one day, when you need it most!


Next up, the MC3 vest benefits from extra airbag coverage in the chest area. The airbag extends behind the canister and key box, providing even more protection to your chest in the event of an ‘off’.


Then take into account that the MC3 doesn’t just have the above additional features, but also all the features of the original JV. That includes:


  • Inflation time of approx. 0.25s with the Hit-Air S-System installed
  • Airbags to the neck, chest, spine, ribcage and hips
  • Lumidex reflex piping to the front and rear, for added night-time visibility
  • Foam back padding insert included, with the option to affix additional chest and back armour (supplied separately)
  • Supplied with everything you need to be protected – lanyard, one canister, and a tool kit for re-setting the vest after inflation


Two Wheel Centre now have the MC3 vest in stock. Visit our store or buy online, and never ride unprotected again!


The Hit Air MC3 Vest retails at £344.99. Additional canisters are £15 at the time of purchasing the vest, or £19.99 thereafter.



2 thoughts on “NEW RELEASE: Hit Air MC3 Air Vest

  1. Hello
    Looking for the HIt AIR MC3 vest with the optional honey comb chest protector – do you sell this and how much, pls?
    For 49″ across the chest wearing back protector and leather jacket, I assume a size 2XL would be suitable?
    Is it okay to wear this vest over my Forcefield ProSub4 back protector?
    Thanks in advance

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