In addition to the news from AGV UK that the AGV K3 UK Flag Helmet Black is to be discontinued, it has also been announced that the immensely popular AGV K3 Guy Martin replica is to be axed too. There has been rumours about this circulating for a few weeks now in the land of […]
Tag: agv scrappage
STOP PRESS: AGV K3 UK Flag White – Truly British – Truly Limited Edition!
It is with a sad face that I bring you the news that AGV have decided to discontinue the very popular AGV K3 UK Flag Black. All good things do however come to end and when one helmet is discontinued there is always another one chomping at the bit to take its place – and […]
Team AGV Scheme – 25% Off AGV Helmets – FREE UK DELIVERY
For a limited time, you can get any AGV helmet with 25% off the RRP, plus entry into four HUGE competitions. Until September 30th, the Team AGV Scheme entitles any AGV buyer to 25% off the RRP, in return for their name, email address and date of birth.* What’s more, you can be […]
AGV Helmet Scrappage Scheme Now Extended!
It’s official – the deal of the century from AGV is continuing until the end of October. The awesome AGV Helmet Scrappage Scheme has been immensely popular since it came into force in July – and now you have 6 more weeks to grab this knock-out deal. To qualify for the scrappage scheme, all […]
Helmet Scrappage – Get 25% off a new AGV helmet
So, you’ve been meaning to replace your old lid for ages, but you never get round to it because of this or that… Well, it’s time to get your finger out. For a very limited time, AGV are offering 25% off any brand new AGV motorcycle helmet, in return for your old, bruised or used […]