A helmet is like a turtle’s shell – for your head – however, unlike a turtle you have options, how can you possibly pick? Lids are the pinnacle of riding safety, not just because it’ll save your noggin when you need it, because the law requires it. The law is hot hot hot on helmets […]
Tag: helmet
Riding a quad bike – all you need to know
Thinking of buying and riding a quad bike? One of the myriad of alternatives to driving a car is riding a quad bike, also known as an ATV (all terrain vehicles), also, more formally, known as quadricycles. They’re a fun, adventurous, motor vehicle – great for on and off-road riding, and for utility use; at […]
Need a new motorcycle helmet?
Look no further than the Two Wheel Centre! When you think of motorcycle helmets, you think safety. This is the most vital and important piece of kit you wear when riding a motorcycle – and you’re not wrong. By Law, you must wear a motorcycle helmet whilst riding a motorcycle or even as […]
The Best Helmet Ever…
So which is it going to be? The wealthy choice of motorcycle helmets on the market today ensures there really is a helmet for everyone, albeit sometimes the perfect helmet takes a bit of finding! Well, don’t miss this week’s MCN which features a 16 page guide to buying helmets. It’s a must-have, especially if […]
Fur Helmets? So Chic!
The world is a strange place, full of wierd and wonderful creatures. But the wierdest creatures of all are the fashion designers who last week decided that it would be fashionable to cover motorcycle helmets in animal fur. Nice. Designer Karl Lagerfield showcased his new range of ‘chic’ fashion helmets in Paris, where he received […]