HJC continue to produce quality helmets at affordable prices, and their stylish designs continue to be popular with motorcycle riders all over the globe. Their HJC 2012 helmet range features some excellent helmets sure to be another huge success for them next year. Models such as the new Sy Max III, R-PHA 10 Pinna […]
Tag: motorcycle helmets
Check Out The Caberg Konda Flip Front Helmet!
Caberg produce quality helmets for motorcycle riders and one helmet we admire over here at Two Wheels, and have found our customers captivated by also, is the Caberg Konda Flip Front Helmet. Amazingly priced at just £119.99 (slightly more expensive for the Konda Graphic and Konda Hi-Viz) this praised helmet seems to be going down […]
AGV Stealth SV – The Most Popular Helmet Around
The AGV Stealth SV Helmet is one of AGV’s most accomplished helmets. With an extensive range of colours and sizes, orders for this top of the range helmet are expanding by the day, with customer satisfaction always 100%! As with every AGV helmet, the Stealth SV’s technology is extremely advanced, taking into considersation the […]
Motorcycle Helmets, A Buyers Guide
View our Motorcycle Helmet Range here. Choosing your first motorcycle helmet can be a confusing task. The market is flooded with open faced, full faced and flip fronted helmets. Some are cheap, some are expensive and the rest are somewhere inbetween – but how do you know which helmet to choose? How much to spend? […]
Helmet Scrappage – Get 25% off a new AGV helmet
So, you’ve been meaning to replace your old lid for ages, but you never get round to it because of this or that… Well, it’s time to get your finger out. For a very limited time, AGV are offering 25% off any brand new AGV motorcycle helmet, in return for your old, bruised or used […]