Christmas Time, Mistletoe and Wine..

So the time we all either love or love to hate is definitely upon us and the countdown has begun.


With only 12 days to go the pressure is definitely on on what to get your loved ones for christmas..and for those of you who have a biker in the family we’re here to help! With our Gift Section detailing a variety of products, we’re on hand to answer questions about these and any item on our site which may catch your eye.


Whether your questions are in relation to sizes, styles or even what exactly to buy we’re on hand with all the answers, our aim to provide 100% customer satisfaction all year round (but especially at christmas!)


If you want the easy option (like me) a Gift Certificate is a great little gift, and for a rider, the options are endless on what they can spend this on or put it towards (and with the January Sales soon on their way their options just increased massively!)


If there is a product you’ve set your heart on, we advise you to maybe give us a quick call before placing the order just so we can tell you if it is still available, if we can get it out to you in time and if not, your alternative options.


The last guaranteed delivery date we have is the 20th December so your orders must be in by then. That just cut your 12 days down to..7? Oh dear. You best get clicking! And we’ll do anything we can to guarantee you a very merry christmas indeed…