HEL Performance Motostar Championship – Taz crashes at Cadwell Park

Have you been following along with Taz Taylor’s progress?

If so, you may have noticed how fantastically he’s performed in the 2015 HEL Performance Motostar Championships, with an impressive double race win at Knockhill and a secure position at the head of the league.

Did success surface again at Cadwell Park this weekend?


This weekend Taz remained true to style in race one, but came out less fortunate in the second. The first race at Cadwell Park won him first place, big smiles and champagne celebrations. The practice and qualifying sessions were successful as Taz raced the fastest times in both. Taking to the ten-lap race, himself and Scott Deroue, fought for a win and kept the spectators guessing throughout. As he reached the final lap, Taz crept over the line, 0.05 seconds ahead of Scott – a well deserved win.

Sunday, raring for race two, the riders prepared for another dry ride. Until five minutes ahead of time. The Sunday became soggy as the rain fell and the track caught it. The wet was no fun, nor a friend to Taz. The officials gave them a six minute wet warm-up, providing a brief moment to prepare themselves and their wheels. Taz and Deroue seemed unphased by the less comfortable conditions, holding a joint fourteen second lead ahead of the third place rider.

These double leaders, Taz and Scott, often challenge each other for the win, and currently stand in positions one and two on the league table. They held the lead for race two at Cadwell Park right up until lap five. The race was half complete and they were still leading, unhindered by the track conditions. Then part way through the lap a smidge of throttle over-enthusiasm spun him off the side and out of the race. Speaking at Cadwell Park, after the event, Taz reflected, “The bike caught fire and I landed fairly hard and I am just sorry that I have caused the team so much work before the GP next weekend.”

Luckily Taz was uninjured and his MotoGP wildcard entry unaffected. Taz is less than £500 worth of donations away from raising the £3500 he’s hoping to collect towards his entry fees.

The rest of the weekend was otherwise a positive event for Taz, “I felt really happy all weekend at Cadwell and each session was going really well. The bike felt brilliant and I felt like I could get some really good results here. The first race was tough again with Scott but we had a good battle with each other as we have all year. I’m really pleased to have taken another win and was looking forward to race two.”


This weekend’s race at Cadwell Park was round number eight in the HEL Performance Motostar British Championship. Oulton Park is hosting the next, and final round, of the initial races between 3rd – 5th September. For more info on how the season and points are arranged, please have a quick gander here.

Thanks as always Johnny Wills for the photos in this post, captured at the Cadwell Park event.

Laura McLoughlin

Laura is a seasoned blogger and excited to put her writing skills to the test at Two Wheel. She’s ridden a scooter in South Korea and India and is keen to test her mettle with a full license one day. When not dreaming of her next big travel adventure she’s usually out running or snapping away on her DSLR.

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