Moto3 Racing: Taz Taylor finishes early at Oulton Park

An ‘oh no’ for Taz at Oulton Park, he was up for the racing fight, but his Moto3 engine wasn’t…

Oulton Park, home to one of the toughest twisty tracks on the HEL Peformance British Motostar racing circuit was no match for Taz as he rode the fastest lap, 1:44.044, of the race. Though his weak engine, the result of his Cadwell Park crash out a few weeks back, made for a trickier time overall.


Two races per round is the usual way of the HEL Performance Motostar British Championship, however, this Oulton Park weekend was only holding one. One race put pressure on for top performance, no second chances here. To release some pressure the race is preceeded with qualifying, an opportunity to warm up your Moto3 before the main event.

Taz participated in the practice and in his regular riding style, took to the front and finished at the front. A result he repeated in qualifying by gaining second position, one second away from poll. Taz rested his weary engine for the wet qualifying, not wanting to push his luck.


When it came to the main event Taz set off from second position and raced with his usual fighting spirit, fast and setting lap times, even improving them as the race went on. “Everything was looking good and I was managing to extend my lead on each lap and felt really happy.” Things were looking in Taz’s favour, striding through each of the twelve laps, until, ” I got half way through the race and the bike just lost power and I knew I had to retire as I didn’t want to risk doing any more damage to the bike.” Taz finished in his own time, ending on lap seven.

Taz was disappointed with his result, “I’m really upset about the result today as I really felt so comfortable here and the lap times were really strong and consistent”. We hope he cheers up soon as this champion has much to be proud of, winning 19th place in his first world championship and he’s sitting way ahead of third place Ed Rendell in the Moto3 HEL Performance British Motostar Racing league, keep pushing through Taz – we’re all behind you!

The first nine rounds of championship have been ridden, next up is Assen, two weeks until round 10 and the first of three ‘Showdown’ races for the top six ‘title fighters’.

Thanks again to Johnny Wills for capturing Taz in action on the photos above.

Laura McLoughlin

Laura is a seasoned blogger and excited to put her writing skills to the test at Two Wheel. She’s ridden a scooter in South Korea and India and is keen to test her mettle with a full license one day. When not dreaming of her next big travel adventure she’s usually out running or snapping away on her DSLR.

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